The Voyage
Looking for Tree Projects and more stuff
Voyage goal no.1
Our year off suits several things that came up important to us. Except from taking a turn in life, getting back into different work-life-balance and finding new ways and directions privately or in your business, we wanted to finish the amazing tree project, that was done after work and on weekends for years now. Couple month in Ubud, Bali, will give us both, quite a break from day to day life and a work environment that bring us together with so many great people, that have similar plans — because a lot of them are here!
The Hubud (Hub in Ubud) where everyone meets for work and socializing. image: Hubud.
Finalizing the Trees Project, incl. Co2 balance, cost, clip for Kickstarter.
Setting up the Trees Magazine (this one) and the Travel Blog.
Setting up the Kickstarter crowdfunding
During all this time, we are trying as well as we can to support our employees back home, that are running our book design company.
Voyage goal no.2
The Tree Project was intending from the beginning, that all profits, after a well buffered climate positive compensation for the entire project and after deducting the cost of production, will be channelled especially to smaller reforestation projects or trees emergency cases that require financial help. Therefore and as there is no official data base of those projects, we will have to track them down. For example this one:
Chandebrito (Galicia, Spain) saw an apocalypse2017 when almost all the woods surrounding the village burned down.
Gathering information about pending reforestation or tree related projects that need funding.
Visiting them, find ways to funding them, documentation.
Collecting more awareness with showing the big edition wherever we go.
Voyage goal no.3
There is still room for so much more, hence there is no need to write down exactly what goal no.3 might be. As we are book designers, no wonder that we travel with a book contract to write about this amazing year, maybe the trees magazine gatheres so much information that it is going bigger, no one can now today. First we have to adjust to the new way of life and our new home, then we will see …